God Spoke (Introduction) | God’s Nature (Gen. 1) | Satan and angles (Isa. 14; Eze. 28) | Creation (Gen. 1, 2) | Adam and Eve (Gen. 2) | The Fall of man (Gen. 3) | Cain & Abel (Gen. 4) | Unrepentant Cain (Gen. 4) | Noah (Gen. 7 – 9) | Tower of Babel (Gen. 10 – 11) | Summaryprog 111 summary | Abraham 1 | Abraham 2 | Ishmael | Sodom | Sacrifice | Esau | Jacob | Joseph 1 | Joseph 2 | Review of Gen. (Gen. 1 – Ex. 1) | Moses 1 (Ex. 1, 2) | Moses 2 (Ex. 3, 4) | Pharaoh (Ex. 4 – 7) | Plagues (Ex. 7 – 10) | Passover (Ex. 11 – 12) | Path through Sea (Ex. 13 – 15) | Food in the Desert (Ex. 16, 17) | Mt. Sinai (Ex. 19, 20) | Commandments (Ex. 20) | Purpose of Commandments (Ex. 20) | Broken Commandments (Ex. 32) | Tent of Meeting (Ex. 24-40; Lev. 16) | Unbelief of Israelites (Num. 13-14) | Bronze Snake (Num. 20 - 21) | Moses’ final message (Deut.) | Joshua (Joshua) | Judges and Ruth (Judges and Ruth) | Samuel, Saul and David (I Sam. 1 – 16; Psm. 8, 23) | David and Goliath (I Sam. 17; Psm. 27)